Principal's Message
Welcome to arapahoe ridge high school!
Dear Students, Staff and Parents,
Arapahoe Ridge High School has earned the reputation of being a high quality alternative to the large comprehensive high school system. In addition, the technical offerings at Boulder TEC, which are available to all students that concurrently attend home high schools, offers a rigorous hands-on approach to learning while earning a certificate, which may articulate with colleges while preparing students as they launch a career. Students can receive 30 credits at Colorado Community Colleges by earning a two year certificate.
When choosing to attend Arapahoe Ridge High School the combination of academics and the possibility of technical courses often motivates students who are not interested in the traditional academic approach and/or have a gift or interest in a technical area. These unique instructional options and services are effectively implemented by a high quality, dedicated staff that truly cares about each and every student on campus. As a result, we are able to provide a high quality, personalized education for our students
Best regards,
Dr. Joan Bludorn